
CHALCOTRICHITE - Chengmenshan Mine, China | 62 x 41 x 38 mm

Chalcotrichite (Cuprite), Cuprite, China, Small cabinet (6-10 cm)
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Mineral: Cuprite variety Chalcotrichite
Locality: Chengmenshan Mine, Jiujiang Co., Jiujiang, Jiangxi, China
Dimension (mm): 62 x 41 x 38 mm
Weight (gr):    70 gram

Description / Notes: Red shiny fibrous spray crystals of Chalcotrichite on dark contrast matrix.

  • 4.Oxides and hydroxides
Mineral name:
  • Chalcotrichite (Cuprite)
  • Cuprite
Country origine:
Specimen size:
Small cabinet (6-10 cm)

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