
TYROLITE - Novoveská Huta,Slovakia | 29 x 20 x 17 mm | Box & Label | RARE

Tyrolite, Slovakia, Thumbnail (1-3 cm)
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Locality: Novoveská Huta, Spišská Nová Ves, Spišská Nová Ves District, Košice Region, Slovakia
Dimension (mm): 29 x 20 x 17 mm

Specimen packed in box of size 38 x 38 x 34 mm with card/label.

Description / Notes: Tyrolite consists of small skeletal crystals, kidney-like crusts, radial fan-shaped to bundle-like aggregates. It is yellow-green, bluish-green to blue, with a pearly to vitreous luster. It was originally discovered in Tyrol. The Novoveská Huta locality provided very nice specimens.

  • Formula:Ca2Cu9(AsO4)4(CO3)(OH)8 · 11H2O
  • Colour:Turquoise-blue, blue-green; light bluish green in transmitted light.
  • Lustre:Vitreous, Silky, Pearly
  • Hardness:1½ - 2
  • Specific Gravity:3 - 3.2
  • Crystal System:Monoclinic
  • Name:Named after its discovery locality, Falkenstein near Schwaz, Tyrol, Austria.
  • Type Locality: Falkenstein, Falkenstein mining district, Schwaz District, Tyrol, Austria
  • IMA status: Approved, 'Grandfathered' (first described prior to 1959)
Further information in mineralogy databases:
  • 8.Phosphates,Arsenates,Vanadates
Mineral name:
  • Tyrolite
Country origine:
Specimen size:
Thumbnail (1-3 cm)

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